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Our Mission

The Mission of SOW is to provide education, employment READINESS and entrepreneur startup support services to women who are in disadvantaged positions due to poverty, illiteracy and/or the welfare system.


Our goal is to decrease rates of codependency of the welfare system for food, shelter and income by providing entrepreneur startup resources through our Hidden Treasurers Mentorship Program (HTMP).  Our mentorship program provides business education, start-up licensing funding, hands-on training and mentorship support services.


SOW endeavors to aid in preventing female codependency by mentoring women to change their mindset through learning entrepreneurship, social and life skills, and personal financial management skills through teamwork and collaboration. Women earn dignity, inner strength, and a place in their communities as productive citizens, by becoming self-sufficient entrepreneurs and having making their empowered ideas and concerns heard within their communities.



Our Annual Summer Butterflies program provides social skills training and education to girls ages 8-15yrs of age, that are under privileged from low-moderate income families.  The program is free and last for six weeks.  The girls are taught etiquette, coding, vision and financial planning, and social skills equipping them for community responsibility and woman hood.  



SOW offers a bi-Annual Summit as an annual fund-raising event to create awareness of the organization and the services offered to the community. This 6-8 hours summit affords women and men from the local community the opportunity to experience wealth through motivational life classes, vision creation, goal definition, financial development, entrepreneurship, womanhood and much more!


The Annual Summit also affords professional women and men in the community the opportunity to become mentors and serve the community.



Contact Us

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 Copyright 2018 by SOW

1801 Manhattan Blvd * Suite J224 * Harvey, LA 70058 * 800 705 6840

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